KDnuggets : News : 2004 : n13 : item16 < PREVIOUS | NEXT >


New Startup For Personal Knowledge Networking Software

First Product, KnowledgeWorkshop, Enables Creation, Management and Sharing of Personal Knowledge Bases

State College, PA - June 28, 2004 - Graham Glynn, PhD, a neuroscientist and director the Center for Learning & Academic Technologies at Penn State University, has joined with other e-learning experts to found Learning Management Solutions, a developer of personal knowledge management and personal knowledge networking software. The company's first product, KnowledgeWorkshop, allows computer users to create, manage, share and publish knowledge bases covering all aspects of their personal and professional lives.

"KnowledgeWorkshop is the glue that integrates all computer-based information sources, such as Web pages, news groups and personal computer files, into one simple personal knowledge management system," said Dr. Glynn. "KnowledgeWorkshop tackles knowledge management from the user's perspective, enabling users to categorize, structure and share information in a personally relevant way with online Web page highlighting, embedded notes and bi-directional linking. Traditional learning and knowledge management systems fall short because they're rigid, monolithic and impersonal, and focus on accessing institutionalized knowledge as opposed to creating and sharing personal knowledge."

The software enables knowledge sharing and collaboration across geographic distances. Zoltan Rado, for example, director of Penn State's vehicle systems and safety program and an early beta tester of KnowledgeWorkshop, plans to use the software as a research collaboration tool with counterparts in Japan. The researchers are developing improved anti-skid airline braking systems for slippery surfaces such as icy runways, drawing upon their individual expertise in physics, chemistry and mechanical engineering.

For more information, visit http://www.lmsweb.com.

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