Search Help

Search help for searching 2012 and earlier news: This search engine takes keywords in the search box (ignoring some common words like "the") and finds pages under KDnuggets with the best matches. The search results are ordered with the most relevant matches at the top.

Some terms like "data mining", "knowledge discovery", "kdnuggets" are found on almost every page of KDnuggets. Instead of searching for them, please see FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions.

Match in section: help

Search parameters

Match - specifies how the keywords are matched
  • All (default): will match any keywords
  • Any: will match all keywords
  • Phrase: will match the keywords as a phrase. To find the exact phrase, use "double quotation marks" around the phrase when you enter words in the search box.

in section: - specifies a subset of KDnuggets pages to help narrow the search the keywords are matched
  • [Recent] - Current pages under KDnuggets and Recent News
  • [Courses, Meetings, ...] - Courses, Meetings, and Education pages
  • [Jobs] - Jobs pages
  • [Software, Solutions, ...] - Software, Solutions, Companies pages
  • [News 20NN] - News for 20NN
  • [News 2004-06] - News for 2004-06
  • [News 2000-03] - News for 2000-03
  • [News 1993-99] - News for 1993-99

Five Advanced Search Tips

1. Searching for phrases: You can create phrases using punctuation or special characters such as dashes, underscore lines, commas, slashes, or dots.

2. Searches are case insensitive. Searching for "Fur" will match the lowercase "fur" and uppercase "FUR". Searches are also accent insensitive (this relates to Latin characters like õ).

3. Including or excluding words:
To make sure that a specific word is always included in your search topic, place the plus (+) symbol before the key word in the search box. To make sure that a specific word is always excluded from your search topic, place a minus (-) sign before the keyword in the search box.

Example: To find jobs requiring "neural networks" but not requiring citizenship,
try neural +networks -citizenship with Realm set to Jobs.

4. Expand your search using wildcards (*):
By typing an * at the end of a keyword, you can search for the word with multiple endings.

Example: Try bio*, to find biology, bioinformatics, biotech, etc.

5. url:section text
Finds pages with the specified text while limiting the search to KDnuggets pages containing section in KDnuggets URL.
For example, use url:polls clustering to find all KDnuggets Polls that address clustering, or
use url:2004 pharma to find 2004 KDnuggets News stories concerning Pharma.