IBM Big Data & Analytics Heroes

IBM's Big Data & Analytics Heroes include leaders in the field that propel the industry in order to promote thought leadership and progress in Big Data Analytics.

IBM Big Data Heroes Today we look at IBM's Big Data & Analytics Heroes. These are people that have lead the way in big data analytics. This program was established to promote leadership in the field, and the people included in the list come from various backgrounds. Here is the list in alphabetical order:

Alan Grogan
Chief Analytics Officer, Royal Bank of Scotland

Anand Mahurkar
Founder & CEO of Findability Sciences

Ben Alamar
Professor of Sports Management, Menio College, Senior Analytics Consultant and Data Engineer, Cleveland Cavaliers, Author

Bernard Marr
Chief Executive, Advanced Performance Institute

Boris Bershadsky
Director, Outcomes Analytics, UVN

Deva Annamalai
Sr. Vice President, Marketing Technology and Data Insights, Zions Bancorporation

Doug Stephens
Founder, Retail Prophet

Edward Kwartler
Director of Advanced Analytics, Liberty Mutual Insurance

Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro
Analytics/Data Mining Expert, Editor of KDnuggets

Jake Porway
Founder and Executive Director of DataKind

Jenna McHugh
Vice President, Benefits and HR Metrics and Analytics, Macy's

John Naduvathusseril
Chief Data Architect, Nielsen Company

Kirk D. Borne
PhD, Data Scientist, Top Big Data Influencer, Professor of Astrophysics & Computational Science, George Mason University

Menka Uttamchandani
VP, Business Intelligence, Denihan Hospitality Group

Michael Cavaretta
Technical Leader of Predictive Analytics, Ford Motor Co.

Nigel Hook

Pamela Peele
Chief Analytics Officer, UPMC Insurance Services Division

Phillippe Chartier
Information Delivery Team Lead, Canadian National Railway

Richard Lee
Managing Partner, Information Management Executive Consulting Services LLC

Sean Patrick Murphy
Senior Scientist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Steven P. Pratt
Corporate Technology Officer, Centerpoint Energy

Timothy Llewellynn
CEO and Co-founder, nViso

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation, University of Oxford

Vince Walden
Partner at Ernst & Young

William McKnight
President, McKnight Consulting Group, Author of "Information Management: Strategies for Gaining a Competitive Advantage with Data"

Original slides here.
