KDnuggets Home » Polls » Text Analytics Use (March 2009)

Text Analytics Use

How much did you use text analytics / text mining in 2008: [100 votes total]
Did not use (45) 45%
Used on < 10% of my projects (17) 17%
Used on 10-25% of projects (14) 14%
Used on 26-50% of my projects (11) 11%
Used on over 50% of my projects (14) 14%

Compared to 2008, how much do expect to use text analytics / text mining in 2009

less than in 2008 (5) 5%
about the same (42) 42%
more than in 2008 (52) 52%


Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro: Text analytics usage still low, but growing
The median use of text analytics was less than 10% in 2008; However over half respondents plan to increase usage in 2009.

Shunkai Fu, Will never be over-emphasized
As a company providing mobile search in China, Roboo depends intensively on Text mining/analysis. We believe finer service will be available after we go further and further.

Alessandro ZANASI, Text Analytics/Mining in Security
Text Analytics/Mining is currently seen as a central technology to protect EU citizens against terrorism and organized criminals and, generally, for Security applications. One integrated project (about 10 M$) dedicated to develop new text mining based Intelligence applications has just been funded by European Commission and other ones, always text mining based, are expected to be funded in 2009. ESRAB before and ESRIF now are pointing these technologies as among the ones to be funded in the next years in Europe to foster EU Intelligence capabilities.
Alessandro ZANASI-ESRIF(European Security Research and Innovation Forum) Member

KDnuggets Home » Polls » Text Analytics Use (March 2009)