KDnuggets : Polls : Weakening encryption to combat terrorism? (Sep 2001)
Do you support weakening encryption algorithms to help combat terrorism [211 votes total]
Yes (44) 21%
No (167) 79%

Selected Comments

Adel Atawy, Encryption Standards
In brief:
  1. Terrorists will use what they need.
  2. Government orgs will use what they need.
  3. Normal Citizens won't be able to do anything.
  1. Research for new encryption alg. will have less funds. So, Technology will crawl.
  2. NSA will rule. similar orgs will rule all over the world.
  3. Terrorism of governmental orgs will dominate.
DO NOT DO THIS...........

John French, Encryption Standards
The stupidity of our govt frightens me. OR, if they see the obvious, then their DUPLICITY frightens me. They have 20% of voters here thinking weakening standards will help us! Meanwhile, the govt will use strong stds, the terrorists will use strong stds, and I damn sure will use strong stds, but those chumps who think it would help, will use the weak ones.
I just hope MY BANK is smart enough to use the existing strong ones, law or no law!!

Mike Ratway, weakening the encryption algorithms
Terrorist will continue to use strong encryption.

Floydster, Look beyond yourself
The poll should ask whether the participant lost anyone from this attack. The problem with americans today is that if something doesn't affect them directly then it just isn't important. Isn't it just like the egghead community to come up with a position that supports their notion of participating in some endeavor such as e-anything (they misguidedly see ) as more important than defense of this country. Maybe when you lose someone to an attack, you will sing a different tune. I challenge each of you anti anti-terrorists to talk to some of the children who lost a parent, or in some cases both parents, to this attack. That's right "attack", not just a "tragedy" as the media drums on. Come on, you are supposed to be the ones who think out of the box. Wire taps or decryption, what do you have to hide?

Mike Bell, Shooting oneself in the foot...
Criminals with foot injuries can't run as fast and are therefore more likely to be caught.
We should therefore all shoot ourselves in the foot because criminals are law-abiding citizens at heart and will surely do the same. It will then be easier to catch them.

The worrying thing for me is that (based upon the poll results so far) about 20% of KDnuggets readers seem to agree with this logic...

K. Brazier, Encryption
Can't imagine it would be very effective legislation anyway. Sounds like a PR exercise to me.

Editor, encryption
I think that we will inflict more damage to ourselves than to terrorists by shortsightedly compromising protections like encryption.

KDnuggets : Polls : Weakening encryption to combat terrorism?

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