KDD Nuggets Index

To KD Mine: main site for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
To subscribe to KDD Nuggets, email to kdd-request
Past Issues: 1996 Nuggets, 1995 Nuggets, 1994 Nuggets, 1993 Nuggets

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Nuggets 96:2, e-mailed 96-01-12

* J. Han, ACM-SIGMOD'96 Data Mining Workshop Deadline Extension:
January 22, 1996 http://fas.sfu.ca/cs/conf/dmkd96.html
* E. Colet, URL for Advanced Scout:
* R. Golan, Electronic Bulletin of the Rough Set Community,
* Bramer, Prelim CFP: Expert Systems 96, Cambridge UK, Dec 1996
* M. Vazirgiannis, CFP: ECAI workshop on Knowledge Representation
for Interactive Multimedia Systems, KRIMS'96,

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
community, focusing on the latest research and applications.

Contributions are most welcome and should be emailed,
with a DESCRIPTIVE subject line (and a URL, when available) to (kdd@gte.com).
E-mail add/delete requests to (kdd-request@gte.com).

Nuggets frequency is approximately weekly.
Back issues of Nuggets, a catalog of S*i*ftware (data mining tools),
and a wealth of other information on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
is available at Knowledge Discovery Mine site, URL http://info.gte.com/~kdd.

-- Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro (moderator)

********************* Official disclaimer ***********************************
* All opinions expressed herein are those of the writers (or the moderator) *
* and not necessarily of their respective employers (or GTE Laboratories) *

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quotable Quote ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood
by everyone, something that no one ever knew before.
But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.'
- Paul Dirac (1902-1984)

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Return-Path: (han@cs.sfu.ca)
From: han@cs.sfu.ca
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 96 17:58:01 PST
To: kdd%eureka@gte.com
Subject: CFP deadline extension due to snowstorm: SIGMOD96 Data Mining Workshop!

Due to the snowstorm!

ACM-SIGMOD'96 Data Mining Workshop Submission Deadline Extension:
January 22, 1996 (to rng@cs.ubc.ca).

Abstract due to rng@cs.ubc.ca by January 15, 1996.

Dear colleagues,

Due to the snowstorm in Eastern U.S. and Canada, we received some e-mails,
requesting for the extension of the submission deadline. The new deadline
is as follows.

Paper electronic submission dealine: January 22, 1996 (1-week extension).
To: rng@cs.ubc.ca

Note: Please submit a half-page abstract to rng@cs.ubc.ca by January 15,
1996 (for all the early or late submissions). The abstract should
contain title, author(s), keywords, and one paragraph abstract.

Since the allowed review period is short, please observe these deadlines!
Electronic submissions are encouraged!!

Call For Position Papers and Review Talks

Workshop on Research Issues on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
in cooperation with ACM-SIGMOD'96
Montreal, Canada, June 2 (Sunday) 1996


Mining knowledge from large databases is a promising research area, with
high application potential due to the huge amounts of data accumulated in
databases and other repositories, coupled with the rapid growth of data.
Data mining has attracted people from many different fields, including
database systems, knowledge-base systems, machine learning, knowledge
acquisition, statistics, information retrieval, and data visualization.
The past conferences and workshops dedicated to knowledge discovery in
databases are associated with AI conferences (e.g., IJCAI, AAAI, and Machine
Learning). It is important to have such a forum associated with database
conferences as well to examine mining issues particularly related to database
systems. The objective of this workshop is to bring researchers in database
systems together to discuss and examine the issues related to mining knowledge
from databases.


The workshop will be held one day before the SIGMOD/PODS'96 conference.
The plan is to have a full-day workshop, consisting of 3 theme sessions
and one panel session. The three theme sessions will be on three major
issues: Foundations, Implementations, and Applications respectively.
Each theme session includes one overview talk, 5-6 position presentations
(including a short discussion after each position presentation). If the
number of submissions is large, we will consider arranging a poster session
and a system demonstration session in parallel with it. The workshop will
also be coordinated with KDD'96 conference http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/kdd96
(Portland, Oregon, August 1996).


The topics of the discussion will be partitioned into 3 major themes.

1. Foundations, principles and methodologies of data mining, including

Knowledge discovery methods
Efficiency and scalability of KDD algorithms
Mining different kinds of knowledge from data
Integration of deduction and induction techniques
Statistics, probability and uncertainty in data mining
Maintenance of mined knowledge and knowledge-base construction
Knowledge evolution through learning
Methods for knowledge discovery in advanced database systems
(including object-oriented, deductive, spatial, temporal, textual,
multimedia, heterogeneous, transaction, and active databases, and
global information systems)

2. Systems and implementations for data mining, including

Knowledge discovery systems, implementations, and performance
Languages and interfaces for knowledge discovery in databases
Interactive data mining and knowledge visualization
Integrated discovery systems
Systems, implementations, and performance for knowledge discovery
in advanced database systems

3. Knowledge discovery applications, including

Successful knowledge discovery application examples in industry,
administration, and business
New application challenges and requirements for data mining
The inadequacy of current knowledge discovery mechanisms
Influence of data mining to the advances of database systems
Security and social impact of data mining


Authors are invited to submit short position papers and comprehensive
overview talk papers on each of the three themes. Each position paper
should be no longer than 6 pages. Each overview talk paper should be
FORM OF POSTSCRIPT, LATEX, ETC. but limited to the std 8/5x11 size paper.
Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least three program committee
members. The selected papers of the Workshop, after being extended into
journal length and quality, will be considered for publication in a Special
Issue of the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS).


Rakesh Agrawal, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Ron Brachman, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA
Arbee L.P. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Ming-Syan Chen, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Wesley Chu, University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Son Dao, Hughes Research Labs, USA
Christos Faloutsos, AT&T and Univ. of Maryland, USA
Usama M. Fayyad, Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology, USA
Randy Goebel, University of Alberta, Canada
Howard Hamilton, University of Regina, Canada
Jiawei Han, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Tomasz Imielinski, Rutger University, USA
Larry Kerschberg, George Mason University, USA
Willi Kloesgen, GMD, Germany
Hans-Peter Kriegel, University of Munich, Germany
Laks V.S. Lakshmanan, Concordia University, Canada
Hongjun Lu, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Heikki Mannila, University of Helsinki, Finland
Sham Navathe, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Raymond Ng, University of British Columbia, Canada
KayLiang Ong, Trilogy, USA
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, GTE Laboratories, USA
Ramakrishnan Srikant, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Bhavani Thuraisingham, Mitre Corp., USA.
Shalom Tsur, Argonne National Research Lab, USA
S.K. Michael Wong, University of Regina, Canada
Carlo Zaniolo, University of California at Los Angeles, USA


Send a short abstract to rng@cs.ubc.ca by January 15, 1996.
Submissions Due: January 15, 1996 (Electronic submission: 1/22/96).

Acceptance Notice: March 15, 1996
Final Version due: April 15, 1996

Five hard copies or one electronic copy of the paper should be submitted
by January 15, 1996 to

Dr. Raymond Ng
Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z4, Canada


Jiawei Han, Simon Fraser University, Canada (han@cs.sfu.ca).
Laks V.S. Lakshmanan, Concordia University, Canada (laks@cs.concordia.ca).
Raymond Ng, University of British Columbia, Canada (rng@cs.ubc.ca).

Workshop (SIGMOD'96 DMKD) Home Page: http://fas.sfu.ca/cs/conf/dmkd96.html

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To: kdd@gte.com
Subject: URL for Advanced Scout data mining pages...
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 1996 18:09:48 -0500
From: Ed Colet (ecolet@watson.ibm.com)
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 325

Hi Greg,

Inderpal had asked that I update you on the URL for our pages on
Advanced Scout software. The current URL of,


will be changing (but should still work). After January 15th, a
correct and 'official' URL will be,


Ed Colet.

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Date: 2 Jan 1996 11:37:32 +0500
From: 'Robert Golan' (Robert_Golan@mail.tcpl.ca)

Hi Gregory:
I was wondering if we could send out another broadcast of
our bulletin for RST. This would supercede the last message I sent
you since it contains the CFP, questionaire, etc.
Many Thanks

< Electronic Bulletin of the Rough Set Community >
EBRSC Volume 3, Number 6

December 20, 1995

[ Editor: M. Hadjimichael, Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey ]
[ Asst Editor: R. Golan, Rough Knowledge Discovery Inc., Calgary ]
[ Sponsor: University of Regina, Sask ]

email: roughset@cs.uregina.ca
WWW: http://www.cs.uregina.ca/~roughset

[ Copyright (c) 1995, EBRSC ]
[ ISSN 1195-9665 ]

Contents: [v3n6/951220]
1. Annoucement: Web Site.
2. IFORS-96 Invited Session.
3. Questionnaire Re: RSFD-96
from: Shusaku Tsumoto, Tokyo Medical and Dental Unversity
4. CFP: RSFD'96

1. EBRSC now has a web (WWW) site to replace the previous gopher
site. The URL is:


This page is optimized for the Netscape browser, version 1.1N and above.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

The Editors.


2. IFORS-96 Invited Session. (Roman Slowinski)

I wish to inform you that I am organizing an invited session at XIVth
Triennial Conference on Operational Research, IFORS'96, to be held in
Vancouver, Canada, from July 8 to 12, 1996. This conference is a main
instrument of the International Federation of Operational Research =
(IFORS) grouping several dozen of national OR societies.

My invited session will be on 'Rough Set Approach to Decision Support'.
It is composed of three following presentations:

1. S.Greco, B.Matarazzo (Italy), R.Slowinski (Poland), 'Rough set approach
to preference modelling in the problematics of multicriteria ranking =

2. Luiz F.A.M.Gomes (Brasil), 'Rough set theoretical modelling of =

3. A.I.Dimitras (Greece), R.Slowinski (Poland), C.Zopounidis (Greece),
'Business failure prediction using rough sets'

With best wishes,
Roman Slowinski

Prof. Roman Slowinski
Poznan University of Technology
Institute of Computing Science
Piotrowo 3a
60-965 Poznan, Poland
Fax #: +48-61-771525
Tel.#: +48-61-790790

3. From: Shusaku Tsumoto

Dear Rough Setters,

As I reported in RST-95, we are planning the next workshop(RSFD-96)
on rough sets in the University of Tokyo on November 6-8, 1996.

I attach CFP for RSFD-96 via email, so please look at it
closely if you are interested. (Also, please circulate CFP
to people who are interested in RS.)

The university of Tokyo and the region around there is located
in the center of Tokyo, and has a large facilities for student
activities, which means that the prices of everything are cheaper.

We have already made a reservation on the Conference Hall,
and the dining hall for reception. Also, we found nice accomodation
facilities in the university, whose fee is about 28 to 32 dollars
a day(although the maximal capacity is 30 people).

Concerning our papers in the workshop, we are planning
to publish the proceedigs by the Tokyo University Press.

Now, what I want to estimate is the number of attendees.
Especially for the proceedings, the registration
fee, reception and accomodation,
we need to know how many people can come to our workshop.

Actually, I am thinking of giving all the priorities about
accomdation to members of International Rough Sets Soceity
(IRSS). That is, I would like to occupy as many rooms as possible.

So, for the prepartion, I would like to ask the following
questions to all of the rough setters. This is not only for
estimation, but also for acquiring information about
what you will think about our workshop.

Could you please send your answer via email as soon as
possible to the following email address ?

Email Address: tsumoto@cmn.tmd.ac.jp

Thank you for your cooperation.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

And, I am looking forward to seeing you in Tokyo.

Sincerely yours,

Shusaku Tsumoto

| |& %| | Shusaku Tsumoto |
| | & % | |~~| | Assistant Professor |
| | V | |~~|& | Department of Information Medicine |
| Medical Research Institute |
| TEL: +81-3-5803-5840 Tokyo Medical and Dental Unversity |
| FAX: +81-3-5803-0247 1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-city, |
| E-mail: tsumoto@cmn.tmd.ac.jp Tokyo 113 Japan |
| << Forever Voyaging ....>> |

-----------------included questionnaire--------------------------------


1. Will you attend the workshop ? (a) yes (b) no.

If your answer is no, what is your problem ?

(1) Personal
(2) Financial
(3) Others, please explain

[ ]

Please feel free to write your opinion.

2. If you will attend the workshop, then
Would you like to stay in the guest hall ?

(a) yes (b) no.

3. If you cannot stay in the guest hall,
we can prepare other possiblities:
Japanese-style hotels or European-style hotels.
European-style hotels cost 75 to 100 dollars without
breakfast, and Japanese ones is a little cheaper,
but breakfast(Japanese) will be included.

Which style would you like to stay ?

(a) Japanese-style (b) European-style

4. If you will come to our workshop,
how long will you stay in Japan ?

[ ]

5. I may plan to hold a small seminar only with IRSS members
in my university immediately after the workshop,
maybe November 9, 1996(Monday).
(My university, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
is very close to the university of Tokyo).
If possible, I may consider publication for the results
after that seminar.

Is it possible for you to come to our seminar ?

(a) yes (b) no.

6. If possile, I would like to plan a half-day social program,
to see around the downtown near the university of Tokyo.
(The additional fee is around 30 to 100 dollars).

Would you like to attend it ?

(a) yes (b) no.

Please feel free to write your opinion about a social program.

[ ]

Thank you for your cooperation.


4. CFP: RSFD'96

**** C A L L F O R P A P E R S ****



The University of Tokyo =

Tokyo, JAPAN =

November 6-8, 1996


Sponsored by: Information Processing Society of Japan

In Cooperation with
* International Rough Sets Society(IRSS)
* Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication
Engineers of Japan (IEICE)
* Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)
* Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE)
* Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems
* Japan Research Group on Multiple-Valued Logic
Supported by: Inoue Foundation for Science


Honorary Chairs: Z. Pawlak, L.A. Zadeh


Rough sets and fuzzy sets are complementary generalizations of classical
sets. The rapid developments of these two approaches form a beginning of
a 'soft mathematics' and provide a basis for 'soft computing', which
includes, along with rough sets, fuzzy logic, neural networks,
probabilistic reasoning, belief networks, learning,
connectionist computing, genetic algorithms.

Machine Discovery is also a growing area, encompassing knowledge
discovery in databases, discovery of regularities (such as
rules, dependencies, empirical equations),
causal structures by using methods of database theory,
artificial intelligence (including machine learning),
rough sets and statistics.

This workshop will allow researchers to present their recent research
results and to exchange their views of
rough sets, fuzzy sets, and machine discovery.
The exchange should lead to mutually beneficial co-operation.


Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged.
Authors are invited to submit four copies of their
manuscript (maximum 10 pages) to:

Address: Akira Nakamura
Department of Computer Science,
Meiji University
1-1-1, Higashi-mita, Tama-ku
Kawasaki 214

e-mail: nakamura@cs.meiji.ac.jp
Tel: +81 44 934 7469
Fax: +81 44 934 7912


May 31: Submission Deadline
July 15: Acceptance Letters (e-)mailed
September 15: Deadline for the Final Manuscript
October 10: Advance registration
November 6-8, Workshop Technical Sessions held


The First International Workshop on 'Rough Sets: State of the Art
and Perspectives' took place in Kiekrz, Poland on September 2-4,
1992. The 'Second International Workshop on Rough Sets and Knowledge
Discovery' (RSKD'93) was held in Banff, Canada in October 12-15, 1993.
The 'Third International Workshop on Rough Sets and Soft Computing'
(RSSC'94) was held in San Jose, California, USA in November 10-12, 1994.
The workshops demonstrated the far reaching consequences of rough
set theory both in theoretical and empirical sciences.

The participants of the workshops were
a true mixture of pure theorists and down-to-
earth practitioners, reflecting the interdisciplinary character
of the theory of rough sets .


The workshop is planned as a three-day interdisciplinary conference
focused on various theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects
of rough sets, fuzzy sets and machine discovery. It will be a
combination of invited talks, oral and poster presentations,
and a series of 'round-table' discussions intended to stimulate
the development of interdisciplinary understanding. The format will
include the presentation of the fundamentals of rough sets, fuzzy sets
and machine discovery as well as will provide ample time
for discussion and the exchange of ideas.

The following themes are planned for workshop sessions:

1. Fundamentals of Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, and Machine Discovery
2. Logic Systems for Reasoning under Uncertainty
3. Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning.
4. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
5. Machine Learning
6. Fuzzy and Rough Control Theory
7. Discovery of Regularities, Concepts and Taxonomies in Databases
8. Integrated treatment of Uncertain, Fuzzy, and Indiscernible
Data and Knowledge
9. Automated Data Analysis: Combining Search with Statistics,
Search for empirical equations and other patterns in Data
10. Successful usage of Machine Discovery in Medicine, Biochemistry,
Business and Industry
11. Other Applications of Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Machine Discovery


Tutorial and system demonstrations are also planned. Participants
willing to demonstrate software should contact Akira Nakamura at
nakamura@cs.meiji.ac.jp by September 1, 1996.


Program Chair: Akira Nakamura
e-mail: nakamura@cs.meiji.ac.jp
Tel: +81 44 934 7469
Fax: +81 44 934 7912
Program Co-Chair: Masao Mukaidono
e-mail: masao@cs.meiji.ac.jp
Tel: +81 44 934 7450
Fax: +81 44 934 7912

General Chairs: Wojciech Ziarko and Tsau Young Lin

Organizing Chair: Hiroshi Tanaka (tanaka@tmd.ac.jp)

Local Chair: Shusaku Tsumoto (tsumoto@tmd.ac.jp)

Publicity: Y.Y. Yao , North America, yyao@thunder.lakeheadu.ca
J. Stefanowski, Europe, stefanj@pozn1v.tup.edu.pl
T. Yokomori, Asia, yokomori@base.cs.uec.ac.jp


Z. Pawlak
R. Slowinski
W. Ziarko
T.Y. Lin
J. Grzymala-Busse
A. Nakamura
S. Tsumoto
J. Zytkow


James Bezdek, University of West Florida, U.S.A.
Nick Cercone, University of Regina, Canada
Didier Dubois, Universite Paul-Sabatier CNRS, France
Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, University of Kansas, U.S.A.
Mitsuru Ishizuka, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Willi Kloesgen, GMD, Germany
Satoshi Kobayashi, The University of Electrocommunication, Japan
Shigenobu Kobayashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Tsau Young Lin, San Jose State University, U.S.A.
Ryszard Michalski, George Mason University, U.S.A.
Masao Mukaidono, Meiji University, Japan
Toshinori Munakata, Cleveland State University, U.S.A.
Hiroshi Motoda, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Japan
Kaoru Hirota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Masahiro Inuiguchi, Hiroshima University, Japan
Kazuo Nakamura, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
Charles Nguyen, Catholic University of America, U.S.A.
Masayuki Numao, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Zdzislaw Pawlak, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Zbigniew Ras, University of North Carolina, U.S.A.
Andrzej Skowron, Warsaw University, Poland
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, GTE Laboratories, U.S.A.
Krzysztof Slowinski, K.Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Roman Slowinski, Technical University of Poznan, Poland
Jerzy Stefanowski, Technical University of Poznan, Poland
Roman Swiniarski, San Diego State University, U.S.A.
Hideo Tanaka, Universiy of Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Anita Wasilewska, State University of New York, U.S.A.
Michael Wong, University of Regina, Canada
Yiyu Yao, Lakehead University, Canada
Takahira Yamaguchi, Shizuoka University, Japan
Wojciech Ziarko, University of Regina, Canada
Jan Zytkow, Wichita State University, U.S.A.


The proceedings will be distributed to all registered participants
at the workshop.

Moreover, the best selected papers are considered to
include in the special volume of academic journals.

The Electronic Bulletin of the Rough Set Community
is designed as a medium to distribute abstracts of
recent/current research in Rough Set theory and
applications. Submissions may be emailed to

This Electronic document is Copyright (c) 1995, The
Electronic Bulletin of the Rough Set Community
(EBRSC). Copyrights to the individual abstracts
belong to their respective authors.

< Electronic Bulletin of the Rough Set Community >
email: roughset@cs.uregina.ca
URL: http://www.cs.uregina.ca/~roughset

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From: bramerma@cv.port.ac.uk
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 1996 15:18:22 EST
Subject: Expert Systems 96 - Preliminary Announcement




Following the success of Expert Systems '95 in Cambridge last
December, the sixteenth annual Conference of the British Computer
Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems, Expert Systems '96,
will again be held in Cambridge from December 16th-18th 1996.

The objective of the ES series of conferences is to bring
together researchers and application developers from business,
industrial and academic communities to discuss issues and
solutions to problems based on techniques derived from Artificial

It is expected that the conference will continue with the format
of previous years, with a day of tutorials followed by a two-day
main conference with two streams of fully refereed technical and
applications papers.

Papers of up to 5,000 words

(a) representing original work on theoretical areas of
Knowledge-Based Systems or related areas of Applied AI
(Neural Networks, Case-Based Reasoning, Knowledge Discovery

or (b) presenting case studies of knowledge based systems that
address real-world problems

are invited for the technical and applications streams

Papers submitted to both streams will be refereed and those
accepted will again be published in book form in the 'Research
and Development in Expert Systems' and 'Applications and
Innovations in Expert Systems' series.

A Call for Papers giving further information will be issued in
February. It is likely that the final date for submitting papers
will be in mid-June.

To register interest in attending or to ensure you are sent a
copy of the Call for Papers email

Mrs.Kit Stones (The Conference Team)

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Return-Path: (michalis@dblab.ece.ntua.gr)
From: Michalis Vazirgiannis (michalis@dblab.ece.ntua.gr)
To: kdd%eureka@gte.com
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996 16:16:36 +0200 (EET)



WWW: http://www.darmstadt.gmd.de/CfP/KRIMS96

August 12 or 13, 1996, Budapest, Hungary

In conjunction with the ECAI'96 conference (August 12-16)

(ECAI'96 WWW: http://wwwis.cs.utwente.nl:8080/mars/ECAI96.html

A critical issue in the emerging area of Multimedia Information
Systems is the ability of these systems to fulfil the information
requirements of various user groups.

Future Interactive Multimedia Systems go beyond the scenario-based
example of multimedia information presentation. They have abilities
for multimedia information composition, construction of presentation
plan, intelligent simulation, and adaptation of the presented
material to the peculiarities and style of individual users. To be
capable of performing these functions, interactive multimedia systems
should possess and utilise knowledge about:
o Domain
o User requirements
o Tasks
o Context of interaction
o Content of the stored information.

The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners in developing interactive multimedia systems. The aim
is to investigate the industrial needs and requirements on
representing knowledge for such systems, and identify open research
problems in the area.

Some of the topics that this workshop should address are:

o Generic Knowledge Representation Schemes for Multimedia Information
o Knowledge representation for multimedia information integration,
coordination and presentation.
o Case studies and experiences on developing and utilising
knowledge bases for interactive multimedia systems.

The target audience includes both researchers and practitioners in the
area of interactive multimedia systems.

Authors must submit a 2-pages abstract before the 10th of February
1996 via email in plain ASCII. Submitted abstracts will be judged on
the quality and originality of the work they describe. Due to the
restricted number of presentations, qualified submissions will be
accepted on priority basis. Authors must address the motivation of
their work, related background work, innovative features, as well as
limitations of their work.

Paper presentations will not exceed 15 in order to have ample time
for discussion. Authors of accepted submissions will be asked to
provide a full paper describing their work before the 10th of April
1996. Comments to authors will be provided by 30th of April and the
deadline for final paper's receipt is the 20th of May 1996.

Attendees will exchange working notes prior to the workshop and will
be encouraged to discuss and make comments to others' work in order
to settle the ground for fruitful discussions during the workshop.

Enquiries and submissions must be addressed to
George Vouros
University of the Aegean. Dept of Mathematics
Karlovasi, Samos GREECE.
Email: georgev@aegean.gr

Please note that workshop participation is not possible without
registration for the ECAI'96 conference.


- Dr. Wolfgang Klas. GMD-IPSI Darmstadt, Germany
- Prof. T.Sellis. National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
- Dr. M.Vazirgiannis. National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
- Dr. George A. Vouros. University of the Aegean. Greece.


Extended abstract (2 pages) submission deadline 10 Feb
Notification of acceptance 10 March
Full papers deadline 10 April
Comments to Authors 30 April
Final papers receipt 20 May

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