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From: Dr. Ronald N. Kostoff (Office of Naval Research)
Date: 26 Dec 2007
Subject: Journal Special Issue on Literature-Related Discovery

We have generated potential discovery for treating four chronic diseases, and for improving a non-medical technology as well. The specific results, and the cyber-enabled discovery methodologies used, are overviewed below.


Literature-Related Discovery (LRD) is the linking of previously disjoint concepts to generate potential scientific discovery. Potential innovation may also be generated during the discovery process. LRD inherently integrates multiple diverse disciplines, and has the capability to generate potentially radical discovery.

We have developed a family of methodologies for systematically generating large amounts of potential discovery and innovation using LRD. These cyber-enabled discovery methodologies are applicable to any technical or medical area. The contents of a journal Special Issue on LRD containing our findings and techniques are summarized, and on-line access to the Special Issue's papers is provided in the Appendix.


Potential discovery and innovation were generated for five topics: four medical (Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Raynaud's Phenomenon, Cataracts) and one non-medical (Water Purification). Much emphasis was placed on the synergy of potential discoveries. For the medical topics, potentially promising treatments were identified through bioinformatic LRD techniques, and many existing candidates for innovation were identified as well. For the non-medical topic, many new potential approaches for improving water purification were identified.


LRD techniques may be used to identify: promising new research directions, emerging technologies, potential technological surprises, new medical treatments, new approaches to homeland security and intelligence, radically new defense capabilities, and myriad others. LRD can enhance the conduct of research and development. LRD can also support the research and development infrastructure through innovative workshops, panels, roadmaps, proposal solicitations, and other team efforts by identifying the optimal mix of disciplines necessary to address the target topics of interest.



Go to Science Direct (http://www.sciencedirect.com/). If your organization has a portal to Science Direct, use the portal.

To access documents, three entries are required on the Search window:

Title/Abstract/Keywords: Literature-Related Discovery Author: Kostoff Journal/Book Title: Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Following the search, the screen below will appear, with nine citations listed. The first eight citations constitute the Special Issue, although these citations are not presented in final order. The ninth is a previously-published LRD background article. In the hard-copy Special Issue, the first eight articles below will be ordered as follows: 3, 1, 4, 8, 5, 6, 7, 2.

1. Literature-related discovery (LRD): Methodology
Ronald N. Kostoff, Michael B. Briggs, Jeffrey L. Solka and Robert L. Rushenberg

2. Literature-related discovery (LRD): Lessons learned, and future research directions
Ronald N. Kostoff, Joel A. Block, Jeffrey L. Solka, Michael B. Briggs, Robert L. Rushenberg, Jesse A. Stump, Dustin Johnson, Terence J. Lyons and Jeffrey R. Wyatt

3. Literature-Related Discovery (LRD): Introduction and background
Ronald N. Kostoff

4. Literature-related discovery (LRD): Potential treatments for Raynaud's Phenomenon
Ronald N. Kostoff, Joel A. Block, Jesse A. Stump and Dustin Johnson

5. Literature-Related Discovery (LRD): Potential treatments for Parkinson's Disease
Ronald N. Kostoff and Michael B. Briggs

6. Literature-related discovery (LRD): Potential treatments for Multiple Sclerosis
Ronald N. Kostoff, Michael B. Briggs and Terence J. Lyons

7. Literature-related discovery (LRD): Water purification
Ronald N. Kostoff, Jeffrey L. Solka, Robert L. Rushenberg and Jeffrey A. Wyatt

8. Literature-related discovery (LRD): Potential treatments for cataracts
Ronald N. Kostoff

9. Systematic acceleration of radical discovery and innovation in science and technology
Ronald N. Kostoff

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